To view the Greek on this site correctly, you must use Unicode. To learn about Unicode, click here. To set your browser to view Unicode, follow the two simple steps below.
1. Athena-Roman Font
Jeffrey Rusten has made available a font called Athena Roman, which allows you to view the Greek characters in a document in Unicode.
Download this font for free (only 133K!)
Unzip the font into your Windows/Fonts folder. (If you do not have a zip utility, you can download one for free from the OU Software Archive.)
2. Browser Settings
You will then need to adjust your browser to view the Unicode with the Athena font.
For Netscape Navigator, under the menu Edit-> Preferences-> Appearances-> Fonts, first change the encoding to "Unicode" and then change the Variable Font to "Athena."
For Internet Explorer, under Tools-->Internet Options, click 'Fonts.' First change Language Script to "Latin based" (if it is not already), and then change Web Page Font to "Athena."
For other browsers, the steps should be very similar to either of these two. I suggest using Netscape, and you can get a free download of Netscape Communicator here.